Praveen AS
Friday, Nov 20, 2020
Homebrew: Your CLT does not support macOS 11.0 error
Praveen AS
Sunday, May 24, 2020
VSCode allows to have multiple terminal tabs, but manually switching between them using drop down is an hectic task. so thought to have a keyboard shortcut that allows me to switch between them.
Praveen AS
Friday, Nov 15, 2019
Today i tried to setup Vmware fusion on macOs catalina with Vagrant i faced an error as following
Praveen AS
Saturday, Sep 14, 2019
When I just installed the google cloud SDK noticed the following error
Praveen AS
Saturday, Oct 7, 2017
I was getting the above error message while trying to run VM ware Fusion 10
Praveen AS
Monday, Oct 2, 2017
I was trying to Airdrop a file from my Iphone to Macbook Air after upgrading to HighSierra.
Praveen AS
Friday, Sep 8, 2017
So annoying to see the creative cloud icon on loading ? Follow below steps to avoid it
Praveen AS
Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016
Today I faced hard time while trying to use sequel pro to mysql homestead on macbook pro running on El capitan using Vmware Fusion
Praveen AS
Thursday, Oct 23, 2014
After updating Xcode to 6.1, my launcher was having two icons for Xcode.